Over the course of two weeks, a Google Form was sent out. 66 students responded, answering a series of questions. Their answers have been recorded below.
55.6% were in high school
22.22% were in middle school
7.72% were in college or university
14.5% were not in school (graduated, gap year, etc)
50.3% of respondents are underclassmen
27.5% are upperclassmen
11.1% are in college or university
11.1% are not active students
60.8% of respondents were not
25.7% of respondents were working part-time
13.5% of respondents were working full time
77.8% of respondents are not or are no longer employed
22.2% are employed part-time
62.1% did not adopt any new pets
37.9% did adopt a new or multiple new pets